Monday 31 July 2017

20 Ways To Overcome Negative Thoughts...eng/malay

1. Realize that you only hurt yourself with negative thoughts. Don’t let them trick you.

2. Decide that you will live your day with happiness and not let negative thoughts steal it.

3. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I’m a positive person. I won’t let negative thoughts control me. I’m a winner in life.”

4. Read positive quotes.

5. Never say negative words in your conversation.

6. Change the tone of your thoughts from negative to positive. For example, instead of thinking “This problem is too difficult” think “This problem is cool and challenging”.

7. If you think negatively about someone, remember positive things about that person. Shift your attention to the positive side.

8. Smile. It’s more difficult to think negatively when you are smiling.

9. Walk and act confidently. Good body language helps you have good thoughts.

10. Pray or meditate. Spiritual peace and calmness is among the most effective ways to overcome negative thoughts.

11. Gather with positive people. Be careful not to choose the wrong people or the situation will only get worse.

12. Take a nap so that you will wake up with a fresh mind.

13. Read an inspiring book. Spiritual books often do well.

14. Go out and appreciate the beauty of the world around you.

15. Sing a cheerful song.

16. Make yourself comfortable with failure. Failure is the stepping stone to success, so don’t be afraid to fail.

17. Have realistic expectation. Accept the fact that people could make mistakes since nobody is perfect.

18. If you think negatively about a situation, decide that you won’t give up even if the worst happens. Prove yourself to be a tough opponent. You are a winner.

19. Accept yourself and be comfortable in who you are. You can’t be perfect but neither can anyone else.

20. Help someone. Shift the focus away from yourself and do good to others.

Posted by Shalu Omi

1. Menyedari bahawa berfikiran negatif hanya menyakiti diri sendiri. Jangan biarkan ia mengelirukan anda.

2. Putuskan bahawa anda akan menjalani hari anda dengan bahagia dan tidak akan  membiarkan pemikiran negatif menguasai anda.

3. Lihat diri anda di cermin dan katakan, "Saya seorang yang positif. Saya tidak akan membiarkan pemikiran negatif mengawal saya. Saya lah juara dalam kehidupan ini. "

4. Baca petikan positif.

5. Jangan sebutkan perkataan negatif dalam setiap perbualan anda.

6. Tukar cara berfikir anda dari negatif ke positif. Sebagai contoh, cara berfikir  "Masalah ini terlalu sukar"  tukar cara  fikir  kepada  "Masalah ini sangat mencabar dan menyeronokkan".

7. Jika anda berfikir secara negatif tentang seseorang, ingat perkara positif tentang orang itu. Pusatkan perhatian anda ke arah yang positif.

8. Senyum. Apabila anda tersenyum sukar untuk pemikiran negative itu hadir.

9. Berjalan dan bertindak dengan yakin. Bahasa tubuh yang baik membantu anda mempunyai pemikiran yang baik.

10. Solat, Doa, Zikir, puasa akan memberi anda Ketenangan dan ketenangan rohani adalah salah satu cara yang paling berkesan untuk mengatasi pemikiran negatif.

11. Berjumpalah dengan orang-orang yang positif. Berhati-hati untuk memilih, jika memilih orang yang salah, keadaan hanya akan menjadi lebih teruk.

12. Tidur yang cukup, anda akan bangun dengan minda segar.

13. Baca buku inspirasi. Buku-buku berbentuk motivasi dan sebagainya.

14. Keluar dan menghargai keindahan dunia di sekeliling anda.

15. Nyanyikan lagu yang ceria.

16. Buat diri anda selesa dengan kegagalan. Kegagalan adalah batu loncatan untuk berjaya, jadi jangan takut gagal.

17. Mempunyai harapan yang realistik. Terima fakta bahawa orang boleh membuat kesilapan kerana tiada siapa yang sempurna.

18. Jika anda berfikir secara negatif tentang situasi, tentukan bahawa anda tidak akan berputus asa walaupun yang terburuk berlaku. Buktikan diri anda sebagai lawan yang sukar. Anda adalah pemenang.

19. Terima diri anda seadanya dan selesakan diri anda. Anda tidak  sempurna begitu juga orang lain.

20. Bantu seseorang. Mengalihkan tumpuan jauh dari diri anda dan berbuat baik kepada orang lain.

Dihantar oleh Shalu Omi

Monday 10 July 2017

Lagu Hilang Gelap Timbul Terang

Hilang Gelap Timbul Terang

 Hilang terang timbul gelap
Lampu hati padam tak bercahaya
Ibaratnya kapal tiada berkemudi
Di samudera hanyut tak menentu

Bintang tiada beri cahaya
Di angkasa gelap tak bermaya
Hanyut perahuku di malam durjana
Sementara menanti terang
Bilakah menjelma

Bintang tiada beri cahaya
Di angkasa gelap tak bermaya
Hanyut perahuku di malam durjana
Sementara menanti terang
Bilakah menjelma

Artist : Saloma

Composer : P.Ramlee 

7 ways to stop over-thinking everything in your life

Stop driving yourself crazy.

Sure, you know it doesn’t make sense to spend an hour deciding which sandwich to eat for lunch.
Or a week deciding whether to accept a job offer. Or a year deciding whether to marry your partner.
Enough, you might tell yourself. Just make a decision. And you do.
But within minutes, that stream of doubts and insecurities starts leaking – and eventually gushing – though the mental fortress you’ve built up around them.
Everyone’s been there – and everyone has their own tricks for avoiding the situation. We checked out the Quora thread,(Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its community of users. ... The company was founded in June 2009)
  “How do I deal with overthinking?” where many people have shared those tricks, and highlighted the most creative responses.
Read on to find out how to clear your head once and for all.

1. Observe your thoughts from a distance

A key component of meditation is that you watch your various thoughts pass, instead of getting caught up in them or trying to stop them from arising.
Quora user Sameer Jain cites mindfulness meditation as a practice that’s helped him stop over thinking in the past.
He writes: “Realize that you can actually choose to observe your thoughts rather than getting caught in them. The tendency to over-think is to some extent a natural tendency of the mind (which varies to some degree by person), but one you can change through practice.”
In fact, Steve Jobs described this very same process to his biographer, Walter Isaacson:
“If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is … If you try to calm it, it only makes things worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there’s room to hear more subtle things.”

2. Write down your thoughts

One way to stop your thoughts from spiraling out of control is to talk out the issues with someone else, who might offer a different perspective.
Otherwise, says Aman Anand, you can write down your thoughts on a piece of paper.
“I usually find that this allows one to organise their thought process a lot better,” Anand writes, “whereas if you keep those thoughts stuck in your head, not only can they make a mountain out of a molehill but they can also lead to you coming back to the same ideas continuously and thus over-analysing the same thing repeatedly.”
You can go a step further and throw that paper away – science suggests it’s a way to make those thoughts less meaningful.

3. Designate ‘no-thinking’ times

Stefan Papp says he established “no-think zones” to prevent himself from dwelling too much on a single problem. For example, he writes that he doesn’t think about difficult things after 8 p.m. because it affects his sleep.
Social worker and author Amy Morin suggests a similar approach. In a Psychology Today column, she recommends scheduling time – maybe 20 minutes – for reflection:
“During this time, let yourself worry, ruminate, or mull over whatever you want. Then, when the time is up, move onto something more productive. When you notice yourself overthinking things outside of your scheduled time, remind yourself that you’ll think about it later.”

4. Distract yourself

It sounds simple, but it’s really hard to concentrate on two things at once.
That’s why Vinay Nagaraju recommends exercising or playing a game when you find yourself over-thinking: “The run of emotions when complemented with the physical action brings in a great balance between the two.”
Experts agree. Stephen S. Ilardi, author of “The Depression Cure,” told Fox News that the key to not over-thinking is to find an absorbing activity. Specifically, you’ll want “a physical activity that combines mental engagement and social contact, such as tennis or a brisk nature walk with a friend.”

5. Focus on what you can do right now

You can break a thought spiral by replacing thinking with doing.
“Do not focus on what you … need to do, do not focus on what you haven’t done and should have done, and do not focus on what is going on around you,” writes Lukas Schwekendiek. “Just focus on something you can do now, however small, and then do it.”
Meanwhile, Bob Migliani, author of “Embrace the Chaos,” writes in The Huffington Post that he often tries to turn his worrisome thoughts about the future into concrete action:
“Each time I would start getting worried about the future, I would make a proactive choice to physically get up from the place I was sitting and walk to the computer to start writing or working on my book.”

6. Respect your own opinion

Part of the reason why you’re over-thinking a decision may be because you don’t trust yourself to make the right choice.
“Learn to respect your own opinion,” writes Suraj Teja. “The more you think about it, the more doubts you’ll be creating upon your own thoughts.”

7. Know that you can change a wrong decision

It’s normal to worry that you’re choosing the wrong job, marrying the wrong person, or taking the wrong driving route home. But the mistake doesn’t have to be a catastrophe – in fact, it could be an opportunity for growth.
In her TED Talk, journalist Kathryn Schulz challenges the common assumption that, if you’re wrong about something, you’re an idiot. Instead, she says, realizing that you made a mistake and reframing your view of the world is where innovation and creativity come from.
Nasim Khan sums it up nicely: “Over-thinking often comes from the notion that you will make a grand finale decision that will never change and must be correct,” he writes. “Being comfortable with being wrong, and knowing that your opinions and knowledge of a situation will change with time, brings a sense of true inner freedom and peace.”

6 ways to stop overthinking everything

While everyone over-thinks certain situations once in a while, some people are plagued with a constant barrage of thoughts all the time.
Chronic over-thinkers rehash conversations they had yesterday, second-guess every decision they make, and imagine disastrous outcomes all day every day.
Thinking too much about something often involves more than words — over-thinkers conjure up disastrous images too. Their minds resemble a movie where they imagine their car going off the road or they replay distressing events over and over again.
Thinking too much prevents them from getting anything done. And it wreaks havoc on their mood.

Destructive thought patterns

Overthinking often involves two destructive thought patterns — ruminating and incessant worrying.

Ruminating involves dwelling on the past. Thoughts may include things like:
  • I shouldn't have said those things at the meeting yesterday. Everyone must think I'm an idiot.
  • I should have stayed at my last job. I would be happier than I am now.
  • My parents didn't teach me how to be confident. My insecurities will have always held me back.
Persistent worrying involves negative — often catastrophic — predictions about the future. Thoughts may include things like:
  • I'm going to embarrass myself tomorrow when I give that presentation. I know I'm going to forget everything I'm supposed to say.
  • Everyone else will get promoted before me.
  • I know we won't ever have enough money to retire. We'll be too sick to work and we'll run out of money.

How to stop overthinking

Like all habits, changing your destructive thought patterns can be a challenge. But with consistent practice, you can train your brain to think differently. Here are six ways to stop overthinking everything:

1. Notice when you're stuck in your head

Overthinking can become such a habit that you don't even recognize when you're doing it. Start paying attention to the way you think so you can become aware of the problem.
When you're re-playing events in your mind over and over, or worrying about things you can't control, acknowledge that your thoughts aren't productive. Thinking is only helpful when it leads to positive action.

2. Keep the focus on problem-solving

Dwelling on your problems isn't helpful — but looking for solutions is. If it's something you have some control over, consider how you can prevent the problem or challenge yourself to identify five potential solutions.
If it's something you have no control over — like a natural disaster — think about the strategies you can use to cope with it. Focus on the things you can control, like your attitude and your effort.

3. Challenge your thoughts

It's easy to get carried away with negative thoughts. So before you conclude that calling in sick is going to get you fired, or that forgetting one deadline will cause you to become homeless, acknowledge that your thoughts may be exaggeratedly negative.
Remember that your emotions will interfere with your ability to look at situations objectively. Take a step back and look at the evidence. What evidence do you have that your thought is true? What evidence do you have that your thought isn't true?

4. Schedule time for reflection

Stewing on your problems for long periods of time isn't productive, but brief reflection can be helpful. Thinking about how you could do things differently or recognizing potential pitfalls to your plan, could help you perform better in the future.
Incorporate 20 minutes of "thinking time" into your daily schedule. During that time period let yourself worry, ruminate, or mull over whatever you want.
When your time is up, move onto something else. And when you start overthinking things outside of your scheduled thinking time, simply remind yourself that you'll need to wait until your "thinking time" to address those issues in your mind.

5. Learn mindfulness skills

It's impossible to rehash yesterday or worry about tomorrow when you're living in the present. Mindfulness will help you become more aware of the here and now.
Just like any other skill, mindfulness takes practice, but over time, it can decrease overthinking. There are classes, books, apps, courses, and videos available to help you learn mindfulness skills.

6. Change the channel

Telling yourself to stop thinking about something will backfire. The more you try to prevent a thought from entering your brain, the more likely it is to keep popping up.
Change the channel in your brain by changing your activity. Exercise, engage in conversation on a completely different subject, or work on a project that distracts you. Doing something different will put an end to the barrage of negative thoughts.

Train your brain

Paying attention to the way you think can help you become more aware of your bad mental habits. With practice, you can train your brain to think differently. Over time, building healthier habits will help you build the mental muscle you need to become mentally stronger.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Doa Sebelum Tidur

Image result for tidur doa

Suatu  hari Rasulullah SAW bersabda kepada Ali Bin Abi Tholib as:
"Wahai Ali lakukanlah lima hal ini sebelum tidur......
  • Berikan sedekah 4000 Dinar, kemudian tidurlah.
  • Khatamkan Al Quran, lalu tidurlah.
  • Belilah Syurga, lalu tidurlah
  • Perbaikilah hubungan dua orang yang tengah berselisih faham, lalu tidurlah.
  • Tunaikan satu kali Haji, lalu tidurlah.
Ali pun menjawab:
"Mana mungkin aku boleh melakukannya?"

Lalu Nabi SAW pun menjawab:
  • 4 kali membaca Al Fatihah adalah sama dengan sedekah 4000 Dinar.
  • 3 kali membaca Surah Al Ikhlas adalah sama nilainya dengan menamatkan satu Al Quran.
  • 3 kali membaca selawat adalah harga Syurga
  • 10 kali bacaan istighfar sama nilainya dengan menyambungkan silaturrahim dua orang yang berselisih faham.
  • 4 kala membaca Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Laa Ilaaha ilallah, Allahu Akbar sama dengan menunaikan satu kali Haji.
Lalu Ali pun berkata:
"Ya Rasulullah, kini aku akan menjalankan semua nasihatmu ini sbelum tidur".
Semoga Allah melimpahkan kurniaNya kepada orang yang mengamalkan dan menyampaikan pesan ini.
Amiin Ya Rabbal Aalamin

Keajaiban Menderma

  Dalam 1 program TV di Amerika, pengacara siaran tersebut mengiklankan tentang seorang pesakit yang memerlukan pembedahan segera yang berha...