Wednesday, 15 January 2020

11 Cara Atasi Serangan Panik

BelievePerform - What a panic attack feels and looks like | Facebook

Serangan panik
Serangan panik adalah perasaan ketakutan, panik, atau kegelisahan yang tiba-tiba dan kuat. ia sangat luar biasa, dan ianya mempunyai gejala serangan pada fizikal dan emosi.
Orang yang mengalami serangan panik mungkin akan mengalami kesukaran untuk bernafas, berpeluh dengan banyak, rasa gemetar, dan merasa jantungnya berdegup kencang.
Sebahagian orang juga akan mengalami sakit dada dan mempunyai perasaan seperti akan mati dan hilang kawalan diri dan semasa serangan panik juga mereka merasakan seperti  mereka mengalami serangan jantung. Ada yang melaporkan mereka merasa seperti  mengalami serangan strok.
Serangan panik amat menakutkan dan boleh menyerang anda dengan cepat. 
Berikut adalah 11 strategi yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mencuba menghentikan serangan panik ketika anda mengalami atau ketika anda merasakannya:
1. Gunakan pernafasan dalam

Latihan Pernafasan Dalam

Pernafasan dalam hanya memerlukan persekitaran yang tenang dan beberapa minit masa anda. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk senaman pernafasan dalam yang sederhana:

  1. Mulailah dalam kedudukan yang selesa dengan tulang belakang yang lurus, seperti duduk tegak di kerusi atau berbaring di belakang anda.
  2. Tutup mata anda atau melihat ke bawah untuk membantu mencerminkan ke dalam dan memberi tumpuan.
  3. Mula semata-mata melihat nafas anda. Adakah anda bernafas masuk dan keluar dari dada? Adakah anda bernafas dengan pantas atau perlahan?
  4. Menjaga bahu anda santai dan masih, mula bernafas dengan niat. Menghirup dengan mendalam dan perlahan melalui hidung anda, merasakan pusat anda berkembang apabila anda mengisi badan anda dengan nafas. Secara beransur-ansur keluar mulut anda, biarkan semua udara basi keluar.
  5. Teruskan fokus pada nafas anda, melihat bagaimana pusat anda naik dan jatuh dengan setiap nafas yang anda ambil. Ulang selama lima hingga sepuluh lagi kitaran nafas.
  1. Semasa anda bernafas secara mendalam, perhatikan bagaimana perasaan anda sepanjang badan anda. Adakah terdapat kawasan yang merasa tegang daripada yang lain? Dengan setiap pernafasan bayangkan bahawa tubuh anda melepaskan tekanan dan ketegangan.
  2. Sebelum menamatkan latihan anda, ambil beberapa saat untuk melihat bagaimana anda merasakan secara fizikal, mental, dan emosi.
  3. 2. Kenali Dan Fahami bahawa anda sedang mengalami serangan panik
Dengan menyedari bahawa anda sedang mengalami serangan panik dan bukannya serangan jantung, anda dapat mengingatkan diri anda bahawa ini adalah sementara, ianya akan segera berlalu, dan anda akan baik-baik saja.
Singkirkan ketakutan bahawa anda mungkin akan mati atau malapetaka yang akan datang, kedua-dua gejala serangan panik. Ini membolehkan anda memberi tumpuan kepada teknik lain untuk mengurangkan gejala anda.

3. Tutup mata anda
Beberapa serangan panik datang dari pencetus yang mana ia datang dari sesuatu peristiwa pernah menimpa anda. Sekiranya anda berada dalam atau di  persekitaran tersebut ia akan merangsangkan lagi serangan panik anda.
Untuk mengurangkan rangsangan tersebut,  anda boleh tutup mata semasa serangan panik berlaku. Ini akan dapat menyekat rangsangan tambahan dan menjadikan anda lebih mudah untuk fokus kepada teknik pernafasan anda.
4. Amalkan kesedaran
Kesedaran dapat menolong anda dalam realiti apa yang ada di sekeliling anda. Oleh kerana serangan panik boleh menyebabkan suatu perasaan terpisah atau berpisah dari kenyataan, Kesedaran ini dapat mengatasi serangan panik anda ketika ia semakin hampir atau sedang berlaku.
Fokus pada sensasi fizikal yang anda kenal, seperti dimana anda berada, siapa di sekeliling anda, apa tujuan anda berada di situ atau lihat atau sentuh pakaian apa yang anda pakai. Warna-warna menarik yang ada di sekeliling anda dan sebagainya. Sensasi spesifik ini menjadikan anda berada dalam realiti dan memberi anda sesuatu objektif untuk difokuskan.

5. Cari objek fokus
Sebilangan orang merasa berguna untuk mencari satu objek untuk memusatkan perhatian mereka semasa serangan panik. Pilih satu objek dengan pandangan yang jelas dan perhatikan semua perkara yang mungkin.
Sebagai contoh, anda boleh fokus pada jam tangan anda, nombor-nombor atau bentuk di dlam jam tersebut dan bagaimana jarum-jarum jam berdetik.  Huraikan corak, warna, bentuk, dan ukuran objek pada diri anda. Tumpukan seluruh tenaga anda pada objek ini, dan gejala panik anda akan reda.
6. Gunakan teknik relaksasi otot / Mengeliat
Sama seperti pernafasan dalam, teknik relaksasi otot dapat membantu menghentikan serangan panik and dengan mengawal tindak balas badan anda sebanyak mungkin.
 Bersantai secara sedar satu otot pada satu masa, bermula dengan sesuatu yang sederhana seperti jari di tangan anda, dan gerakkan ke atas badan anda.
 Teknik relaksasi otot akan paling berkesan apabila anda mempraktikkannya terlebih dahulu.
7. Bayangkan tempat yang menggembirakan anda
Apa tempat paling santai di dunia yang boleh anda fikirkan? Pantai yang cerah dengan ombak yang menghempas pantai dengan lembut? Sebuah Kabin di pergunungan? Air Terjun,  Apa saja.....
Bayangkan diri anda di sana, dan cuba memfokus pada perincian persekitaran di sana sebanyak mungkin. Bayangkan anda berlari-lari si pantai dan bermain ombak di gigi pantai...atau anda sedang mencium aroma bunga-bunga di taman dan sebagainya.  
Tempat ini semestinya tenang, tenang, dan santai - tidak ada jalan-jalan sibuk dan sesak seperti di New York atau Hong Kong, tidak kira betapa anda suka kehidupan di bandar-bandar dalam hakikat sebenar.
8. Terlibat dalam senaman ringan
Pilihlah senaman ringan yang lembut, seperti berjalan atau berenang dan sebagainya..... jika anda masih merasa sukar untuk bernafas. Lakukan apa yang anda mampu untuk menarik nafas terlebih dahulu.
9. Simpan dan bawa bersama haruman atau wangian lavender  
Lavender terkenal kerana ia dapat melegakan dan menghilangkan tekanan. Ia dapat membantu badan anda berehat. Sekiranya anda tahu anda terdedah kepada serangan panik, simpan sedikit minyak pati lavender dan letakkan di lengan bawah anda ketika anda mengalami serangan panik. Hiruplah aroma.
Anda juga boleh mencuba minum teh lavender atau chamomile. Kedua-duanya santai dan menenangkan.
Lavender tidak boleh digabungkan dengan benzodiazepin. Gabungan ini boleh menyebabkan rasa mengantuk .
10. Banyak berzikir/selawat
Berzikir dan berelawat dapat menjauhkan kita dari gangguan syaitan. Mengulangi zikir dan selawat dapat menenangkan diri secara dalaman dan anda boleh menjadi relek dan  berkeyakinkan. anda boleh bercakap dengan diri anda sendiri bahawa "ini semua akan pergi" "ia datang sekejap saja", "aku boleh mengatasnya", "aku kuat"..ulang2 sehingga serangan  reda
11. Ambil benzodiazepin
Benzodiazepin boleh membantu merawat serangan panik jika anda mengambilnya sebaik sahaja anda merasakan serangan itu berlaku.
Walaupun pendekatan lain untuk rawatan panik mungkin lebih baik, bidang psikiatri telah mengakui bahawa ada segelintir orang yang tidak akan bertindak balas sepenuhnya (atau sama sekali dalam beberapa kes) terhadap pendekatan lain yang disenaraikan di atas, dan dengan demikian, akan bergantung pada pendekatan farmakologi untuk terapi.
Pendekatan ini selalunya merangkumi benzodiazepin, beberapa di antaranya membawa kelulusan FDA untuk rawatan keadaan ini, seperti alprazolam (Xanax).
Oleh kerana benzodiazepin adalah ubat preskripsi, anda mungkin memerlukan diagnosis gangguan panik untuk mendapatkan ubat tersebut.
Ubat ini boleh menjadi sangat ketagihan, dan badan dapat menyesuaikannya dari masa ke masa. Ia hanya boleh digunakan dengan berhati-hati dan dalam kes sangat memerlukan.

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Management Skill ....Brigette Hyacinth

Cerita 1


I had an employee who kept making mistakes and was reaching to work late everyday. He was put on PIP but no improvement. His supervisor said she had tried everything.
Instead of firing him, I sat down with him to TALK. It was obvious he was at a very low point. He had to move out his home and was going through a divorce, custody battle plus facing financial problems. He felt he was on the brink of a nervous breakdown. Asking for help wasn’t one of his strong points.
I recommended him for counseling andsent him on leave so he could get it together. When he returned, he went from being one of the most difficult employees to one of the most POSITIVE influences in the workplace.
Managers please use the HUMAN-to-HUMAN approach when dealing with employees. Take time to get to know your people, meet them where they are, and be flexible. It’s a person you are dealing with and not just a statistic on a graph. A little EMPATHY goes a long way.
My experience is that there are few bad employees but there are many “bad bosses” who lack PEOPLE SKILLS, and are quick to cross people off.

Cerita 2
I applied for an internal position. Aced the interview but still got rejected even though I was the top candidate. I later learned the person hired was a friend of my boss. I got tired of the office politics and started applying to other companies, and within 3 months I got a much better job. My old boss asked me to come back for the same promotion. I told him "thanks but no thanks." Lessons learned: 1.You can be the best candidate and still not get selected. 2. If you didn't get the job, it was never meant for you. 3.You weren't rejected, you were redirected. 4. Your value does not decrease based upon someone's inability to see your worth. 5. Believe in yourself and keep trying, the right door will open for you.

5 Ways mentally strong people deal with Rejection

If there was one topic I would say I have the authority to discuss, it would be rejection.Throughout my journey, I’ve faced many ups and downs. At times the downs seems more than the ups, which can be overwhelming.
Often the people who you think “have it all” are people who have endured the most rejection. Not everyone who’s on top today got there with success after success. Their beginnings weren’t always smooth and they often had to face great obstacles and ridicule.
Rejection is one of the most brutal stakes to the heart because it deals a direct hit to the ego. There are few experiences more painful than being rejected. Dealing with rejection can be tough. A lot of people would chose physical pain rather than being rejected. Our basic human need to belong causes these incidents to stick with us throughout the years.
If you are charting a new path in a forested area expect rejection. Many of us have stifled our dreams by heeding some misguided critic who implied we were not good enough. Rejection is unavoidable in a creative life. Learning how to deal with rejection will keep you from plummeting into a place of immobilizing despair.

Overcoming Rejection

Keep in mind that you will probably never get rid of rejection; you may be rejected many times until the end of your life. Rejection on the whole is painful but viewing rejection as necessary and even positive will help you overcome it that much more easily.
  • Have a vision and don’t let anything or anyone deter you from following it. Take Courage. Put full steam into the next best opportunity you are working on.
  • Keep a positive mental attitude. Pick up the pieces and dust yourself off. Stay motivated. When one door closes,try another door. Keep trying sooner or later the right door will open.
  • Don’t take it personally. Rejection is not a measure of your self–worth. When somebody rejects you, sometimes they are acting on their own insecurities and fears.
  Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you ~Oscar Wilde
  • Avoid over thinking the rejection. Don’t torture yourself repeatedly, reliving the moments of humiliation and thinking what you could have done to counteract it. If you keep picking at a scab, the wound would keep bleeding and you will never heal.
  • Nothing happens before it’s time. Accept it was never meant for you at that point in timeWhen we get rejected we trap ourselves in a moment of doubt and distress. Don’t feel sorry for yourself and slump into an attitude of self-pity.
  • Rejection offers us a chance to evolve through and learn from our experiences. Focus on professional and personal (spiritual, emotional, mental, physical) development. Life is not fair so develop thicker skin. Adversity may make or break you, but it certainly reveals you.
  •  Have Faith and Trust God to direct your steps – You weren’t rejected…You were divinely redirected. Things may look dismal, you may get disappointed but don’t be discouraged.When you look back you will say “Thank God!” that you didn’t settle for less. There was better in store.

  • 5 Benefits of Rejection
1. It gets you fired up as it gives you something to prove – Harrison Ford: In his first film, Ford was told by the movie execs that he simply didn’t have what it takes to be a star. It added fire to the fuel as it gave him something to prove.
2. It makes you more creative – In 1919, Walt Disney was fired from the Kansas City Star. According to his editor, he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” You will find new ways to market yourself and your product.
3. It makes you work harder – Michael Jordan – “I think that not making the Varsity team drove me to really work at my game, and also taught me that if you set goals, and work hard to achieve them—the hard work can pay off.”
4. It develops your character  Your response to rejection shows how you respond when things don’t go my way. Are you able to let go or do you become resentful? You also will be more supportive to others facing similar struggles.
5. It builds strength – Today, Abraham Lincoln is remembered as one of the greatest leaders. However, rejection followed him in much of his early life. It did however better prepare him to handle ridicule in the public eye.
“Rejection is the sand in the oyster, the irritant that ultimately produces the pearl.” ~Burke Wilkinson

The Wisdom of Failure

Looking back, as we approach another year end and tabulating whether my successes have been more than my failures. It’s clear that failure has left its imprint.
The hardest blow came in the form of failing a major exam. The pain was crippling. It did knock me out for a bit. But after all, how do you climb back onto the saddle when the horse has flung you off: when your plans fall to pieces? Life will constantly test your resolve and level of commitment.
If only we could have patience in the midst of our trials. Coping with rejection and apparent failure is a serious matter. The tragic death of John Kennedy Toole (American novelist born in 1937) screams this truth. No publisher would touch Toole’s book. He began suffering from paranoia and depression. In a vain attempt to kill the pain, he committed suicide at the age of 31. Toole’s novels were rejected during his lifetime. However, posthumously, he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1980.
If you focus on positive thinking, even the harshest defeat is only a stepping-stone.
Never let Success get to your Head. Never let Failure get to your Heart. “I didn’t get consumed by losses,” said the legendary NFL coach Don Shula, “and I didn’t get overwhelmed by successes.”
Many of us have stifled our life by heeding some misguided critic who implied we were not good enough. Few things in life are certain but failure is.
Failure seems as something to be avoided at all cost. Although it leaves a sour taste, we should embrace failure for the learning opportunity it is. Failure is the oldest teacher, and perhaps the wisest of them all. Some things are impossible to completely grasp without first falling down.
We live in a culture that values perfectionism and failure is often viewed as a sign of weakness. People become so fixated on not failing that they never move forward. When it comes to failing, our egos are our own worst enemies. It’s easier to accept failure in private, but once the failure is obvious to everyone around you, it’s becomes harder to accept it. Holding onto failures for way too long is destructive.

The Importance of Failure

  • It’s a learning Experience – Failure drives us to change. It represents opportunity and growth. It gives new direction. There is always one or more lessons to learn in what you may see as a failure.
  • It builds Character – We learn how to behave when we finally accomplish our goals. The humility we gain through our failures allows us to better handle and appreciate success.
  • It makes you Stronger – It’s with persistence we overcome failure to achieve success . When people fail, they feel unaccomplished, and so they try again and again, until they finally reach success.
  • Your chances of Succeeding Increases – Failures are the pillars for success. You gain experiences you could not get any other waySome things can only be learned through trial and error.
  • Failure is a type of Freedom – Why? Because the worst has happened. Now, you can relax and rebuild again.
Success does not come easy. Everyone must face one hurdle after another. If you think that once you have the success you crave, you can relax, you are sadly mistaken.
Failure can be costly, not only emotionally but financially as well. Some industries are very unforgiving as one or more failures may instantly get you the boot. The worse thing anyone can do, is not learn from failures.
In recent years, more and more executives have embraced the point of view, that failure is a prerequisite to invention. The fastest way to succeed,” IBM’s Thomas Watson, Sr., once said, “is to double your failure rate.” The growing acceptance of failure is changing the way companies approach innovation.
However, distinguishing between excusable and inexcusable failure is crucial. Managing failure is key. Some mistakes are unpardonable for example producing and marketing a dysfunctional product caused by poor quality control. Encouraging failure doesn’t mean abandoning or supervision or respect for sound practices. Managing for failure requires leaders to be more engaged, not less.
7 Powerful Quotes on failure:
1. “Failure is the tuition you pay for success.” ~Walter Brunell
2. “Success represents the 1% of your work which results from the 99% that is called failure.” ~Soichiro Honda
3. “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” ~Truman Capote
4. “There is no failure. Only feedback.” ~Robert Allen
5. “Remember that failure is an event, not a person.” ~Zig ziglar
6. “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”~Henry Ford
7. “Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. “~F. Scott Fitzgerald
Finally, don’t let the fear of failure hold you back.
Remember to take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise. Always find joy in your journey for as George Bailey said it best It’s a Wonderful Life!

My boss made a mistake on a project we were working on, and instead of owning his mistake, he said it was my fault. I sat through that meeting feeling shocked and disappointed. When we left the meeting he told me, "You are a good sport.” I knew I needed to start planning my exit strategy. I loved my job but I couldn’t trust my boss. He would throw you under the bus in a heartbeat to make himself look good.  Society longs for leaders of integrity. Integrity can take years to build and be destroyed in one moment. Once trust is lost, it is hard to regain.

7 Deal-breaking behaviours that makes employees lose trust in their leaders.

  1. Taking credit for someone’s work.
  2. Blaming others and not standing up for your team.
  3. False promises to get someone to do something.
  4. Favoritism and being unfair.
  5. Downplaying employees' accomplishments to make oneself look better.
  6. Not appreciating loyalty, hard-work and efforts of others.
  7. Treating others poorly – not showing respect or empathy, micromanaging employees, not trusting them to do their job.
Talent will get you in the door but character will keep you in the room.
People don't leave bad jobs. They leave bad bosses. A lot of business leaders don’t even realize how closely they’re being watched by their subordinates. Your ability to influence is not just based on skill or intelligence; it’s based on trust and requires integrity, which is the foundation of real and lasting influence.
An employee's relationship with their manager sets the tone for their level of commitment to the organization's success. Threats and intimidation only yield temporary results. You can't keep throwing your employees under the bus and expect them to give their all.

If you aren't a person of integrity— your team won't trust you, vendors don’t believe you, and customers will not support your business.
People might tolerate a boring job or long commute, but they are more prone to leave if their boss treats them poorly. Many companies are struggling with low employee engagement. It all comes down to how you treat people. For loyalty, there has to be a relationship that develops between employee and employer and this develops over time through trust. Transparency, authenticity and walking the talk are essential for building trust. You can't buy loyalty, but you can certainly foster and nurture it by being a person of integrity.

2. A GOOD BOSS is better than a good company!

My first boss was the best. I had a family emergency and before I could finish explaining to him the situation. He said, "And you are still standing here talking to me? Why aren't you out the door yet? I'll cover for you." I smiled then went to my desk, took my belongings and left. Thereafter, he had my full commitment.
Joseph was a good boss and I would have worked for him in any company. Good bosses can make work meaningful and interesting even in a bad company. They make work feel like a home away from home. Whilst a bad boss can make your work life miserable. They will micromanage you, blame you, and do everything to hold you back.
A good boss is better than a good company. A good boss would discipline you, train you, develop you.”  -Jack Ma
Joseph was a people builder. Words such as "Good work team," "You are the best”, “I trust your judgement” were at the top of his dictionary. He empowered, appreciated and trusted employees to get the work done. Team spirit was high during his reign.
Sadly, his approach of putting people first did not sit well with top management, and within a year he was moved. Our new boss was quite the opposite. I felt like I had to be constantly looking over my shoulders. His sole focus was on the bottom line and he was always pointing fingers. He was more concerned about pushing his weight around than building relationships. Employee engagement and morale fell at an all time low. It's demotivating working for a manager who does not stand up for their team. If you make a mistake they quickly turn into judge, jury and executioner. I liked my job but I could not function effectively in such an environment, so I decided it was time to hand in my resignation letter.
A truly Great Boss is hard to find, difficult to part with, and impossible to forget.
Employees don't leave bad jobs, they leave bad bosses! Most of the time an employee has an issue with a company, it has to do with something related to their boss. At the heart of the breakdown of the manager-employee relationship, lies a lack of trust, respect and empathy. When you go beyond the call of duty for your employer, and they respond with insensitivity and inflexibility during your time of need, the relationship at that exact moment is lost.
Employees yearn for good bosses. A recent study found that 65% of employees would rather have a better boss than a salary increase. There is nothing like having a boss who has your back. They make your working experience so much better. Employees spend over half of their lives at work. They want to work in a healthy environment with a boss who looks out for them. It's time that companies realize that all the money or perks, will not retain good staff if they have a bad boss. A good boss is without a doubt, one of the best incentives to keeping staff, happy and engaged.
Whenever a boss acts like a dictator – shutting down, embarrassing, or firing anyone who dares to challenge the status quo – you’ve got a toxic workplace problem. And that’s not just because of the boss’ bad behavior, but because that behavior creates an environment in which everyone is scared, intimidated and often willing to throw their colleagues under the bus, just to stay on the good side of the such bosses.
A toxic company culture will erode an organization by paralyzing its workforce, diminishing its productivity and stifling creativity and innovation. Now more than ever business leaders need to be addressing issues of workplace toxicity. It makes the difference in retaining good staff and also whether your company fails or succeeds. Employees aren’t afraid to jump ship when faced with a toxic workplace—and it's usually your high performers who will go first.
The biggest concern for any organization should be when their most passionate people become quiet.

10 Signs your workplace culture is Toxic

  • Company core values do not serve as the basis for how the organization functions.
  • Employee suggestions are discarded. People are afraid to give honest feedback.
  • Micromanaging -Little to no autonomy is given to employees in performing their jobs.
  • Blaming and punishment from management is the norm.
  • Excessive absenteeism, illness and high employee turn over.
  • Overworking is a badge of honor and is expected.
  • Little or strained interaction between employees and management.
  • Gossiping and/or social cliques.
  • Favoritism and office politics.
  • Aggressive or bullying behavior.

What’s the cure for a toxic work culture?

While toxic work cultures are the end result of many factors, it’s generally a combination of poor leadership and individuals who perpetuate the culture. It starts with those at the top. Leaders must show - Respect, Integrity, Authenticity, Appreciation, Empathy and Trust.
Toxicity in the workplace is costly. Unhappy or disengaged employees cost companies billions of dollars each year in lost revenues, settlements and other damages. Once you identify the major problems by gathering information. Develop a plan and follow through. It may mean training, moving or simply getting rid of bad bosses who are the root cause of toxicity in the work place. Show employees you care and are committed to improving their workplace environment. Your employees can be your greatest asset but it all depends on how you treat them.
Sadly, if you do not cure the cancer in the root of the tree, not only with the branches and leaves die; but so will the tree.

4. Employees Don’t Quit Their Job; They Quit Their Boss!

Employees might join companies, but they leave managers. Too many managers view their position as one of entitlement rather than one of responsibility. In days past, managers would focus on developing their employees. Today they are more focused on self-promotion and securing their position. A managers' job is to facilitate a good working environment for his/her employees. The focus should be to help everyone around you succeed. Managers define culture, and culture under-girds the lasting health, success and sustainability of an organization.

The biggest danger of leadership: Arrogance 

According to research from the University of Washington Foster School of Business, humble people are more likely to be make the most effective leaders. It turns out, humility offers a competitive advantage.

So why has arrogant or narcissistic leaders become the norm:

            It has been historically perceived that humility is a sign of weakness and an antithesis to leadership. There is still an expectation that successful leaders are more arrogant than humble. Narcissism is mistaken for self-confidence and toxic leaders seem to be in control of everything. They are able to provide short-term results but the truth is they leave a a trail of destruction in their path. 

            Organizations pay heavily for such managers with low engagement, high turnover and reduced productivity. Arrogant leaders have a shelf-life within their organizations. They may “rule the day” but eventually people tire of them and their tactics, which lessens overall commitment from the team. Intimidation and threats of punishment can only work for so long.

The xfactor of great leadership is not personality, it's humility." -Jim Collins

The Power of Humility in the Workplace

Leading with humility means focusing on others and practicing servant leadership. Humble leaders:
1.They put people first. There focus is on serving others. They do not get consumed by seeking out more power. Instead, they seek more ways to help others.
2. They admit their mistakes. All leaders make mistakes. Humble leaders own up to them. They don't play the blame game when things go wrong. Instead they hold themselves accountable. Vulnerability builds trust.
3. They share information and delegate. Humble leaders are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They realize that they cannot do everything. They delegate because the work is more important than their ego.
4. They listen - They are approachable to employees and this allows them to create an environment of open communication and effective feedback.
5. They do not hesitate to give credit where credit is due. They appreciate the contributions of others. They are quick to recognize and reward the efforts of team members.
6They are empathetic to those in their charge. They genuinely care about employees and employees can feel this sincerity. Empathy allows them to build healthy relationships and bond with team members.
7. They are authentic. They are the same person in every situation. This makes them trustworthy. Authenticity goes hand in hand with integrity. They are individuals of integrity.
No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people tells all. Integrity is everything."
Humility doesn't mean that leaders can't make tough decisions. A humble leader should not be mistaken for a weak one. It takes strength, courage, and wisdom to practice humility. I have learned that the best leaders are selfless and more concerned with the well-being of their team than with personal titles or status symbols. Easily offended managers with inflated egos don't build strong teams. You cannot be an effective leader if you feel that you are better than your subordinates. No one likes dealing with egomaniacs. Arrogance is a deterrent, it destroys relationships and lowers employee morale whereas genuine humility has a way of winning others over.
Good leaders empower. Bad ones micromanage. It is dreadful to work under a manager who is more worried about pushing their weight around than building relationships. The role of any leader within a corporate framework is to build up the team and to encourage growth. If we want employees to feel commitment to the organization; we need to show we respect and value them. This takes humility. For loyalty, there has to be a relationship that develops between employee and employer and this develops over time through trust that gets built and sustained. Once people trust you, they will follow your lead. You won't need to flaunt your title to get them to do the best possible job.
People might tolerate a boring job or long commute, but they are more prone to leave if their boss treats them poorly. Humble leaders get the best from people. They have more influence, they retain top talent, and they earn more respect and loyalty than those who rely upon ego and power. Want to be a good boss? Start by taking a slice or two of humble pie!

5. Good leaders don’t try to be the smartest person in the room.

It's said there are two rules that should be accepted working under a boss. The rule no. 1 is the boss is always right. The rule number 2 states that if the boss is wrong, then, refer to the rule number 1. The fact is a manager may not be always right. Most people feel the need to be right all the time. I've seen strong companies fail at the hands of a boss who was unwilling to accept others' skills and ideas. When leaders accept that their role is not about having all the answers, a few things happen. They start to ask more questions, don't take constructive criticism personally, and see things from a broader perspective.

As a leader, one of the most crucial skills is having the ability to admit you might not know the answer to every question. It’s okay to say, ‘I don’t know" or "I would need more information before I can make that decision?’ It is also important to delegate decision making with comments such as, " Let me know what you think, I trust your judgement."

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” —Stephen R. Covey
As much as people love smart people and someone they can rely on for guidance, no one likes a know it all person. Listen more than you speak. Leaders who show some vulnerability are more authentic and approachable to their team. Employees will want to provide feedback and share ideas, because they know it will not fall on deaf ears. In the end, you have a more engaged and productive team, who feel valued and appreciated.
Working for a boss who needs to be always right can be very frustrating and demotivating. Such bosses don't give employees opportunities to grow and develop and they resort to micromanaging. Micromanagement is a complete waste of everybody's time. It sucks the life out of employees, fosters anxiety and creates a high stress work environment. In the end, smart people don't stay for too long in these companies.
With advances in technology and unprecedented levels of change, leaders will need to hire people who are smarter than they are, and draw on the diversity and expertise of everyone in the room. This can be the difference between success and failure. Ultimately, your aim as a leader is to drive growth and innovation by surrounding yourself with a diverse team, who has complementary skills to yours. This takes humility and wisdom. Select the right people, provide them with the proper tools and get out their way.

6. A Truly Great Boss is hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.

A former manager of mine once told me, “If I am going down, you are going down with me.” That was in relation to having a bad sales quarter. From that point on, there was no need to pay attention to her. It becomes difficult to continue to feel passion for the job once you see a lapse in integrity in your boss. It only got worse from there, so I knew it was time to start planning my exit strategy.  Bad boss behaviors lead to poor employee engagement and high turnover. When you have a manager who treats you with respect and has your back, you are more likely to give your best and stay longer in a company, but when you have a bad boss, you're much more likely to be disengaged, suffer from anxiety and want to leave.

7 Worst Bad Boss Behaviors

These are complete deal breakers:
1.Micromanaging - This is the number 1 killer of creativity and innovation in the workplace. It fosters an environment of distrust as employees feel suffocated and confined. If you hired someone for a job, give them room to get it done.
2. Picking favorites - hiring and/or promoting the wrong people. They only recommend employees in their "inner circle" for assignments or growth opportunities. They surround themselves with sycophants or "yes" employees.
3. Taking the credit for employees' work or successes. - Bad bosses will do anything to look good including taking credit for the employees work or ideas. Self-promotion is their top priority. There is nothing more demotivating than working hard to earn something only to have it unfairly taken away. This causes employee engagement to plummet.
4. Ignoring feedback - Not listening - Some bosses don't admit mistakes. They take negative feedback personally and treat those poorly who give such. So onlooking employees learn not to say anything. Worst than asking for feedback is not doing anything about it.
5. Not standing up for employees - Throwing employees under the bus. It's demotivating working for a manager who does not stand up for their team. If someone makes a mistake they turn into judge, jury and executioner. They are quick to point fingers.
6. Overworking employees. It's demoralizing working for such a boss as this. They have unrealistic expectations about what is possible from employees. Their main focus is on the bottom line. They hesitate to authorize personal days or they question the need for sick days.
7. Overlooking or not recognizing employees' contributions. - Two of the most basic human desires are validation and appreciation. People want to feel appreciated, respected and included. Lots of managers think that they've fulfilled their duty by providing a paycheck, but that's not enough if you want engaged and productive employees.
A manager's job is to facilitate a good working environment for his/her employees. Bad bosses create toxic work environments. Toxic environments drain employees emotionally, mentally, and physically. I have seen many employees in these circumstances become so disengaged to the point, they are only there for the paycheck until they quit.
Good bosses are few and far in between, and employees long for such bosses who will support, inspire and help them to grow. A recent study found that 65% of employees would rather have a better boss than a salary increase. There is nothing like having a boss who has your back. It's time that companies realize that all the money or perks, will not retain good staff if they have a bad boss. A good boss is without a doubt, one of the best incentives to keeping staff, happy and engaged.

7.The Best Leaders Are Humble Leaders

8.EMPATHY is the most important leadership skill needed today!

In this digital age, there is a big disconnect between leaders and the people they lead. Many managers think they are doing a great job but when you ask the people they lead, it's quite the opposite. Many employees feel unappreciated and undervalued. Employee engagement is at an all time low. What seems to be missing link? Empathy.

Many organizations are focused on achieving goals no matter what the cost to employees. If we treat people only as the means to an end, we will never have their loyalty. Treat your people right. Great leaders are concerned about getting the job done as well as the well-being of those under their care. It doesn’t mean being overly attentive or soft but demonstrate that you value people. Without empathy, you can’t build a team, inspire followers or elicit loyalty. Leaders that possess this trait always make time for people.
Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care”. – Theodore Roosevelt
Empathy and listening go hand in hand. Why? Because listening shows you care. You can't show empathy if you do not listen. Good listening skills is fast becoming an endangered species due to information overload and shortened attention span. The quality of our listening determines the quality of our influence. Employees want to be heard and they want to be respected. Listening transmits that kind of respect and builds trust.
We tend to confuse empathy with sympathy; empathy is really being able to understand the emotions and needs of others. It's putting yourself in their shoes.
Lauralee emailed me this:
"I worked for a company in Brussels a few years ago when my brother (who was living in the USA) had cancer. In that year, I had 10 weeks leave visiting him & then, when he died, attending his funeral). When I asked my boss, Eric how I repay the company for all these extra holidays, he simply replied "they weren't holidays, don't worry about it". This attitude was not isolated & reflected the company culture . . . to this day, it was the best company I ever worked at & Eric was the best boss I ever had . . . I would walk over hot coals for him!"
If you want to increase employee engagement and loyalty. Pretty simple! Show people that you genuinely care! Sometimes it's the little things we do that counts the most. It's the simple things people remember. The thoughtful gesture, the kind word, the much needed support. It's doesn't cost much to show employees you genuinely care, but it can make the biggest difference in keeping them loyal, happy and engaged.

9. Your Employees Can Be Your Greatest Asset – If You Let Them!

Your Employees Can Be Your Greatest Asset – It all Depends on How you Treat Them! Unhappy employees cost companies billions of dollars each year in lost revenues, settlements and other damages. According to research conducted by Gallup, disengaged employees cost companies $450-to-$550 billion in lost productivity each year as a result of poor performance and high absenteeism.
In my early career, I worked for a company that valued micromanagement. I saw some of the most loyal employees become so disengaged, that their sole motivation was their paycheck until they finally left. I felt stifled thus, I didn't stay there for long.
Micromanagement is a complete waste of time! It sucks the life out of employees, fosters anxiety and creates a high stress work environment.
Research shows when your employees are connected and engaged, business booms. There is an economic link between employee satisfaction and company financial performance. A happy workplace culture does translate into better stock returns. Happy Employees = Happy Customers = Happy Shareholders.
Your front-line employees know your customers bestthey interact with them daily. They have the answers on how to improve customer service and your products. They use your internal tools and systems every day. They have the solutions on how to improve systems which can save money by driving efficiencies. When you empower employees, you promote vested interest in the company. This allows creativity and innovation in the workplace which is necessary to succeed in today's volatile marketplace.
Employees are the backbone of any organization. In order to remain strong in an industry, employees have to be kept happy. Employees want challenging work, autonomy, recognition, respect, support, opportunities for growth and advancement and most importantly to be treated as human beings. Is this too much to ask?
How you Treat your Employees will Determine the Fate of your company.
Your employees are your most valuable asset - Don't take them for granted or treat them poorly. They are your best brand ambassadors. Employees who have been pushed to the point where they no longer care, will not go the extra mile. They will not take the initiative to solve problems. They will end up treating customers the same way you treat them.
Instead of just focusing on the bottom-line; Why not invest in the people responsible for the bottom-line? At the University of Pennsylvania, researchers discovered that businesses that spent 10% of their revenue on capital improvements saw a 3.9% productivity increase. But get this—when that same 10% was invested in employees, productivity went up 8.5%.
Employees are the heart beat of the company. And if the heart stops beating...What will happen?

10. Employees don’t leave Companies, they leave Managers

Employees join companies but leave managers. A Gallup poll of more 1 million employed U.S. workers concluded that the No. 1 reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor. 75% of workers who voluntarily left their jobs did so because of their bosses and not the position itself. In spite of how good a job may be, people will quit if the reporting relationship is not healthy. "People leave managers not the end, turnover is mostly a manager issue."
Here are the four types of bad bosses that make employees want to quit companies:
1) “Marionette” - In an age of uncertainty, many managers are yielding to this trap of just playing it safe to preserve their position and privileges. They just follow orders. They never stand up for their team or question policies. They are mere puppets and exude no loyalty to employees. A lack of integrity in a manager can make an employee lose passion for the job.
Respect is how to treat everyone, not just those you want to impress." ~Richard Branson
2) “King Kong” - Some managers when they reach to the top immediately forget where they came from. These type of managers possess a superiority complex and like to draw the distinction between management and staff. It is dreadful to work under a manager who is more worried about pushing their weight around than building relationships. Great leaders don’t talk down to their employees or make them feel inferior. Respect is a must.
3) “Superman” - They think the organization revolves around them. Some start behaving like they are the owners of the company. This trap includes making all of the decisions soloignoring feedback and taking the credit. When employees don't feel appreciated, morale and engagement plummets.
Leaders who don't listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say." ~Andy Stanley
4) “Taskmaster” - Their sole focus is on the bottomline. Continuously drilling employees is a sure way make them unhappy at work. Micromanagement suffocates, demoralizes and kills creativity. If you hired someone, it means you believe they are capable of doing the job. A manager's job is to motivate and provide guidance and support. It's not constantly monitoring an employee's every movement.
A bad boss can take a good staff and destroy it, causing the best employees to flee and the remainder to lose all motivation.
A bad boss creates fear and makes work drudgery. Studies show having a bad boss raises a worker's chance of having a heart attack by as much as 60 per cent. What was it about a bad manager that increased the risk of heart disease? The stress and anxiety caused by unfeasible targets, lack of support, unfair practices and threats of punishment.
I received this email from Steve:
“I got a call my wife had been in a serious car accident. I told my boss I needed to leave immediately. He asked me to give him 10 more minutes. I was so disappointed because he could have covered for me. I come in early. I leave late. I hardly take any sick leave and that was the response I got from him? I looked at him and walked straight out the door. My relationship with my manager went south after that. I started planning my exit strategy and within 3 months, I quit."
When you go beyond the call of duty for your employer, and they respond with inflexibility during your time of need, the relationship at that exact moment is lost.
Bad bosses are the No. 1 cause of unhappiness at work. People see the company only through their immediate boss. Employees know when they are on shaky ground. A manager who keeps throwing employees under the bus will create an atmosphere of anxiety and distrust. A recent study says that 56% of employees would turn down a 10% raise to stay with a great boss.Treat employees fairly, reward them for their hard work and they will give 110%.
There are too many individuals in positions who abuse their power. This is why good employees quit jobs. A culture of blaming, punishment, inflexibility and insensitivity only pushes people away. Employees want managers who are leaders. Managers who will inspire them, who are fair and honest and will stand up for their team.
I have seen too many exceptional employees become disheartened, stop caring, and just go through the motions until they find another job. Managers please use the human-to-human approach when dealing with employees. It’s people you are dealing with and not just a statistic on a graph. Get to know your people, meet them where they are and be flexible. You can't buy loyalty but you can earn it. If you want loyal employees - Treat your people well

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